Anaemia happens when there is an imbalance in the production of red blood cells and the destruction of red blood cells. On an average around 0.8 to 1% of red blood cells are replaced every day and their lifespan is generally between 100 to 120 days. When this process is negatively impacted, the result is anemia. Getting an Anaemia Test done is advisable to understand how serious the problem is and to determine the cause. Booking a Complete Hemogram test in Gurgaon is a simple process which can help you resolve your symptoms easily.
Reasons why Red Blood Cell production is reduced
Deficiency of iron, vitamin B12 or Folate.
Suffering from Hypothyroidism
Reduced stimulation of red blood cell production
Causes for Red Blood Cell destruction
Genetic disorders etc
Iron deficiency is the most common cause for anemia, however, it is advisable to get a Hemoglobin Test or Iron Deficiency Test in Gurgaon done to get definitive diagnosis.
How Anemia Blood Test is performed in Gurgaon?
In the Complete Hemogram Test there are few components that typically reveal if a person is suffering from anemia. These components are the Red Blood Cell Count, Red Blood Indices - MCV, MCHC, MCH, Hemoglobin and Hematocrit.
The following results generally indicate that a person is anemic
RBC - Typically low
Hemoglobin - Low
Hematocrit - Low
The red blood indices can further help in diagnosing the type of anemia.
If a person is suffering from anemia they may notice the following symptoms, however, getting a Hemoglobin Test or a Complete Blood Count Test in Gurgaon is best for a clear diagnosis.
Pale Skin
Feeling Cold
Brittle Nails
Shortness of breath
While anemia is generally easily treatable, the kind of treatment depends upon the specific cause and severity of the condition. Anemia can prove to be dangerous, even fatal if not treated; hence, it is essential to get an Anemia test done so that your doctor may start your treatment at the earliest.